Create a Healthier
More Fulfilling
Culture at Work

Get your science-backed culture health score and learn what you should do to create a healthier, more fulfilling culture for your organisation. Takes 1 minute to setup

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You Can Only
Manage Culture
if You Can Measure it

Are you struggling with people issues? Is it getting harder to attract top talent? Are you worried about people leaving your organisation? Is a toxic culture blocking your execution?

Culture eats strategy for breakfast. It’s is a leading indicator of company performance. And you can only manage it if you can measure it.

The Culture Health Score measures the health of your culture and turns it into a KPI. It identifes the top culture gaps and and allows you to address them, creating a healthier, more fulflling culture at work!

How Does it Work

Engage your team, and address your top gaps, to create a healthier, more fulfilling culture!

Measure culture with an anonymous employee survey that takes only 10-15 minutes to complete

Get a detailed view of your culture health and learn how to address your culture gaps

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Turn Instinct into Data

Get an x-ray of your culture in a single dashboard
Deep dive into your culture gaps and sweet spots
Analyse which teams lie at the source of your culture gaps
Benchmark your culture against other companies
Compare your management view vs the ground truth
Get actionable recommendations to close your culture gaps

What our Customers Say

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How Do We
Measure Culture?

21 Areas of Human Needs

To create a healthier, more fulfilling culture, you need to look ahead, through the windshield, not backwards, through the rear view mirror. You can’t use lagging indicators like employee engagement, pride, or reputation. You need to measure the leading indicators, that is whether the needs of your staff are being met. A healthy culture is a fulfilling culture; one which satisfies the complete range of 21 human needs, both individual and collective needs.

Academic approaches attempt to characterise culture (e.g. Clan vs Market or individualism vs collectivism). These frameworks don’t provide a True North to help companies chart a direction of where they should head. On the contrary, by measuring human needs, we do provide a True worth, much like a blood test, which gives a clear direction of which biomarkers need to be addressed.

We measure culture based on a framework of 21 human needs. This framework draws on the following research:

• Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
• Self-Determination Theory (SDT)
• Patrick Lencioni’s 5 Dysfunctions + 3 Miserable Job criteria
• Dan Pink’s 3 sources of motivation, in his book Drive
• The Total Motivation framework by McGregor and Doshi
• The Schwartz Theory of Basic Values
• Herzberg’s two-factor theory
• Gino Wickman’s Entrepreneur Operating System

Each human need is mapped using 3-6 questions. Questions are optimised so that they are actionable, falsifable (they can elicit strongly negative responses), non-neutral (their responses have a high degree of certainty), and engender diverse outcomes (they elicit different outcomes from diferent companies). Each question uses a time-based scale, rather than a Likert scale. The time-based scale provides more precise information about how often a certain behavior occurs. It is also very intuitive and quicker to respond to, since it doesn’t require an identity comparison with how the respondent thinks. By mixing positively with negatively phrased questions, we also reduce the likelihood of survey speeders. Overall, respondents take only 10-15 minutes to complete the questionnaire

Check My
Culture Health

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beta of Culture Health Score.

We're on a mission to
one million
create a
healthier, more
culture at work

Too many businesses prioritise performance above people, treating people as resources. We believe in creating intentional cultures, that put people on an equal priority to performance. We believe culture should serve the needs of the people, so that people can serve the needs of the business. We believe in creating fulfilling workplaces, where people are the happiest, where work gives people energy and meaning.

As Trey Taylor says, “Those CEOs who mire themselves in the day to day minutiae of the business, never get to experience the state of flow that comes from a high functioning culture. The roots of culture touch every corner of your business. When culture thrives, you attract talented people who perform exceptionally on behalf of the business. Which in turn, drives positive growth in your numbers. When a company’s culture is broken, your best people move on to other opportunities, and the people who stay are unlikely to act in the business’s best interests.”

The Leaders
who are
putting people
& culture

Virtually all of the business leaders who make headlines today do so because of their company performance – they measure their success in dollars. It’s time we shine the spotlight on the leaders who are succeeding because there are creating fulfilling workplaces, where people are the happiest, where work gives people energy and meaning

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