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S02E21 Prioritizing People and the Power of Play, with Kristi Herold

S02E21 Prioritizing People and the Power of Play, with Kristi Herold

“If you don’t have a great team of people, you’ve got nothing. So make people your priority… People are priority, and play is powerful. Make people priority by having some fun with some play and because it’s powerful; you’ll get back a lot of value from doing so.” S02E01 of the Rethink Culture podcast shines […]

S02E21 Prioritizing People and the Power of Play, with Kristi Herold Read More »

S02E18 Creating a Safe Space that Loves the 5-Year-Old You and Helps them Grow , with Lisa Gill

S02E18 Creating a Safe Space that Loves the 5-Year-Old You and Helps them Grow , with Lisa Gill

“I always hesitate a bit when organizations are like, happiness, happiness, happiness… because our pitfalls will never go away… I will always have those pitfalls. But if I can become conscious and intentional, then I can start to own my pitfalls instead of my pitfalls owning me. And I can start to take responsibility for

S02E18 Creating a Safe Space that Loves the 5-Year-Old You and Helps them Grow , with Lisa Gill Read More »

S02E17 Cooking an Authentic, Fulfilling, and Positive Culture, with Gustavo Razzetti

S02E17 Cooking an Authentic, Fulfilling, and Positive Culture, with Gustavo Razzetti

“Leaders are usually less perfect than we were taught, or books tell us about them because leading is a very complicated thing… I always like to joke with my clients… when they say, we don’t know how we’re going to take our culture to the next level. I tell them, give me the ingredients you

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S02E16 Creating an Organization without Managers, One Step at a Time, with Nathan Donaldson

S02E16 Creating an Organization without Managers, One Step at a Time, with Nathan Donaldson

“You can’t be productive unless your team is happy… It’s not the foosball tables and the perks. It’s that deeper happiness that comes from doing some meaningful work for people that you like and respect, working with people that you like and respect.” S02E16 of the Rethink Culture podcast shines the spotlight on Nathan Donaldson

S02E16 Creating an Organization without Managers, One Step at a Time, with Nathan Donaldson Read More »

S02E14 Hiring and Accepting People from Challenging Backgrounds, with Gina Schaefer

S02E14 Hiring and Accepting People from Challenging Backgrounds, with Gina Schaefer

“I think business owners have to really rethink who and how they hire, our judgments, our biases, and what as a society we can do, even as a small business like mine, to make it a more vibrant and equitable place… I wanted to make sure that we were treating everybody, no matter what their

S02E14 Hiring and Accepting People from Challenging Backgrounds, with Gina Schaefer Read More »

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